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    A $17 billion market in the US, the youth sports market rivals the size of the $15 billion NFL. Youth sports markets are comprised of segments that represent revenue generation from travel, equipment, team membership, facility construction, software, and venue rental.

    All told, the typical parent spends between $100 and $500 per month, per child on elite youth sports, with the bulk of the money going towards travel and team fees, but $1,000 per month is not unheard of, according to a 2016 survey by TD Ameritrade.

    However, even with this incredible spending, the number of kids playing sports keeps decreasing. According to new data released by the Aspen Institute’s Sports & Society Program, only 36.9 percent of children ages 6-12 played team sports on a regular basis in 2016 – down from 38.6 percent in 2015 and 44.5 percent in 2008.  Only 27.5 percent of children from homes with incomes under $25,000 a year play sports compared to the 45.5 percent of kids from homes with incomes greater than $100,000 a year. Of note, 80 percent of youth athletes quit after age 15.

    Too many kids today are being deprived of the opportunity of having sports help teach them valuable leadership skills and life lessons.

    Please help BIG Vision Foundation in leveling the playing field by making a contribution.  Your support will create opportunities for all kids to receive scholarships that would allow them the opportunity to gain these valuable leadership skills and life lessons through sports, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status.